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Showing posts from December, 2022

On Methods of Dealing with Truth

My view is that there are a few fundamentally different methods by which people try to investigate reality and conclude something about it, that they hope is true. The produced statement is usually expressed in a natural language, however not always is that necessarily the best way of conveying the truth. These are science, philosophy, religion and art. Religion is based on faith, while science is based on doubt. For instance, one can religiously believe that his wife will not cheat on him, regardless of temptations, because she loves him, but he will probably not conduct experiments conciously to test that theory. Or, one can religiously believe that his parents always had his best interests in mind, when they made desicions for him. Or that his children will be there for him when he will need them, just as he was there when they needed him. Or that they will contribute to society by doing their jobs, just as much as he did all his life. Doubting such things probably is not a good way